MILHARMER Associates, Inc.
Recent Projects
Recent and Completed Projects
South Shore Hospital |

South Shore Hospital Cancer Center South Weymouth
MAArchitect: TRO Jung/Brannen Engineer:
TRO Jung/Brannen CM/GC:Gibane Our Client: RDK Engineering MAI provided full air and waterbalancing and assisted in commissioningservices provided by RDK Engineerings. Value: $99,000.00

MIT Sloan, Building E62 Cambridge, MA Architect: Moore Ruble Yudell Engineer : VanZelm CM/GC:
Bond Brothers Our Client: J.C.Higgins MAI provided full air and water balancing. Value: $150,000.00
Newton North High School |

Newton North High School Newton, MA Architect:
Dore & Whittier Engineer: R.G. Vanderweil Our Client: N.B. Kennedy MAI provided full air and water the
commisionging of the project. balancing and assisted withCM/GC: Dimeo Construction Value: